ورشة تطوير تطبيقات أندرويد أساسية للمستوى الأول

On the 15th of July 2021, basic training on android application stage 1 worksop has been conducted at 8.30 am to 5.30pm via MSTeams. This workshop was initiated by the Web and Media Committee, Tamhidi Centre. The workshop started with the recitation of du’a by Ustaz Muhamad Shukri bin Yazid. There were 88 students and 33 academic staff who participated in this workshop. The speaker of this workshop was Dr. Noorezam, has vast experience in the Android Application System. The workshop ended with a speech by the Director of Pusat Tamhidi, followed by a photo session. The objective of the proramme was to expose the students with Android Application System and Innovation Project. May this program give benefit and enhance the knowledge of the participants in Android Software.


Penceramah-Dr Noorrezam Yusop

Sesi fotografi peserta bengkel Android Tahap 1 bersama Pengarah Pusat Tamhidi

Contoh aplikasi android Tahap 1 yang dibangunkan

Anatomi dalam aplikasi android